Waste to Power Generation

The process of using waste, which can be found in many forms, and generating electricity from it is known as waste to power generation. It includes waste available in urban and rural Areas. Waste poses a severe threat to the natural world and the environment. The systematic disposal of waste is essential. Waste to power generation is also a commercially viable option. Low air pollution is the prime objective during waste to power generation.

Broadly various waste termed as,

  • Municipal Solid Waste
  • Agriculture Waste
  • Forest Residue
Waste to Power Generation

Biomass to Electricity Generation

We develop Biomass to Electricity generation plants with the use of agriculture crop residues. The crop residues are like cotton straw, rice straw husk, wheat straw, corncobs, grass, dry waste, bagasse, forest waste, or dry waste. The plant delivers industrial grade power supplies.

The biomass to electricity generation project generates electricity at a low cost using available resources. Additionally, it provides sustainable income to farmers and reduces carbon footprints.


Shirke Energy launched an innovative small scale biomass power plant of capacity 10 KW. It consumes 10Kg/hr biomass whereas it produces 10KWh or 12Kvh Electricity as output. The electricity is useful for industrial scale.

For bookings, please send your enquiry and submit the form.

Waste to Power Technology

High efficiency Highly Scalable Power production at a much lower cost. It reduces maintenance costs to negligible. No exhorts to Air, helps in reducing Pollution Possible implementation even at the remote location where raw materials are available

Advantages of our Technology

Modern Compared to the trash incinerators that were frequently utilized until a few decades ago, modern waste-to-energy plants are significantly different.
The majority of waste-to-energy facilities burn hazardous waste, industrial waste, or municipal solid waste.

Recycling and waste-to-energy plants can coexist in a contemporary, efficiently operated facility that classifies materials before burning them. The only things that are burned are non-hazardous and neither intentionally nor economically recyclable.

  • Additional income for farmers
  • Employment generation in the rural region
  • Use of waste for energy generation
  • Possibility of power integration into the grid or use of power for local consumption
  • Possible reduction of centralised power distribution burden, very useful for remote locations